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Migrating to Action Bindings


For creators who want to convert their older games to use the newer binding system, then this document will have examples of using the deprecated API functions and events that will show how to migrate to action bindings.

It is recommended to have read the Binding Sets manual before starting. The focus will be on the Lua code rather than creating actions in the Bindings Manager.

Core Content

All Core Content such as weapons are using action bindings and are a great way to learn how to migrate older weapon templates from projects or Community Content to action bindings.

For example, below is a comparison between the WeaponAimClient script that is used in some Core Content weapons and the same script that is used in older Community Content.

On the left Input.actionPressedEvent and Input.actionReleasedEvent events are used, compared to the deprecated events player.bindingPressedEvent and player.bindingReleasedEvent. With the Default Binding set, the Aim action will be used that is set on the custom property AimBinding on the weapon object.


Shift to Sprint

A common thing in games is to allow Players to sprint when they hold a key down. In this case, the example below will be the Shift key which is ability_feet for the deprecated bindings.

Deprecated Binding Example
local function OnBindingPressed(player, binding)
    if binding == "ability_feet" then
        player.maxWalkSpeed = 1200

local function OnBindingReleased(player, binding)
    if binding == "ability_feet" then
        player.maxWalkSpeed = 600

local function OnPlayerJoined(player)


Migrating the above code to an action binding is straightforward. With a networked action binding for Sprint created in the Bindings Manager, it is easy to update the code.

Action Binding Example
local function OnBindingPressed(player, binding)
    if binding == "Sprint" then
        player.maxWalkSpeed = 1200

local function OnBindingReleased(player, binding)
    if binding == "Sprint" then
        player.maxWalkSpeed = 600

local function OnPlayerJoined(player)


Holding a Binding

A held binding can be useful for some game mechanics such as unlocking a crate. The player would hold the binding down until the progress bar fills up which would then unlock the crate for the player.

In the example below, the IsBindingPressed function is used to check if the player is pressing the ability_extra_33 key. This would the F key that is commonly used for interactions.

Deprecated Binding Example
local IMAGE = script:GetCustomProperty("UIImage"):WaitForObject()

local LOCAL_PLAYER = Game.GetLocalPlayer()
local isShowingImage = false

function Tick()
    if LOCAL_PLAYER:IsBindingPressed("ability_extra_33") then
        IMAGE.visibility = Visibility.INHERIT
        isShowingImage = true
    elseif isShowingImage then
        IMAGE.visibility = Visibility.FORCE_OFF
        isShowingImage = false

Converting the above code to use action bindings can be done easily. The Input namespace has a function called IsActionHeld that accepts the player and action name as arguments. This is now far more readable than ability_extra_33.

Action Binding Example
local IMAGE = script:GetCustomProperty("UIImage"):WaitForObject()

local LOCAL_PLAYER = Game.GetLocalPlayer()
local isShowingImage = false

function Tick()
    if Input.IsActionHeld(LOCAL_PLAYER, "Interact") then
        IMAGE.visibility = Visibility.INHERIT
        isShowingImage = true
    elseif isShowingImage then
        IMAGE.visibility = Visibility.FORCE_OFF
        isShowingImage = false


Games that use Binding Sets give the player the option to customize their bindings how they want, this is a limiting factor with the deprecated binding API, and also made it difficult to remember which binding string represented a key without looking it up.

Learn More

Binding Sets | Deprecated Key Bindings

Last update: June 15, 2022